My Box of Love
This morning gotten a call from Ah Guan. That bastard has already received his father’s money. Or more accurately, his father’s atm card.
He has already stopped working again since last week and started going drinking again since Monday. Same old trick – he tries to invite people to drink with him and claim it’s his treat, acting and selling himself again as a generous ‘big brother’
Like what he did for your birthday celebration and borrow money from me, but later framing me for acting pitiful and holding onto you in front of you and Ah Long… my blood boils whenever I recall how he framed me for the wrong he did to you…
Well, at least he has paid back some of the money he owe to a lot of people, but at the rate he is spending over the past 2 nights, no one believes this money will last long.
I’ll wait and see when his father’s money will run out. Meantime, I’ll help those people who has been victims of his scams.
So right after the call, I’ve told yifa that he can start chasing after the money that asshole owe him already, since he bragged to yifa before that he will pay back yifa his loan amount of almost 4k in full the moment he received his father’s money.
But how about you Em Yeu? Has that asshole start returning the money he still owe you?
Anyway, I’ve asked Allan for help to just drop you a message to let you know your ‘dear Kor Kor’ has money now. I just hope you are able to get back all the money he owed you so that you are able to break all ties with him as soon as possible…
He is a poison that you cannot keep by your side, Em Yeu…
Received a call from DBS bank just now. They called to inform me that the safe deposit boxes at Chua Chu Kang Blk 304 Branch is fully occupied at the moment.
Damn. It means there is no more safe deposit boxes near your Chua chu Kang home…
The next option I have, is the safe deposit box from Certis at Jurong East Blk 134. Although it’s a bit far from Chua Chu Kang, but it is the next available safe deposit box in the west area closest to you.
At least it is somewhere you are familiar with, and close to your Blk 257 home if something really happens to you one day.
So I have to check on the blk 134 Certis safe deposit box soon as my HSBC atm card should be arriving anytime soon…
It would be so much easier if I can simply pass you my atm and credit card my dear… Why do you want to push me away so far…?
I have dropped my enquiry on Certis website. And they got back to me very quickly:

Okie, it seems like there shouldn’t be a problem with Certis deposit box. I’ll go down to blk 134 within this week to get the keys.
And Em Yeu, you will be the only mandatee to this box, as this box will only contain my love for you and the children…
And so sorrie that this is the only thing I can do for you when you have misunderstood me so deeply that you have pushed me out of your life…
Now, the only problem is how to pass you the keys to my box of love…