It is Okie to Forget My Birthday
After a disappointed birthday, it took me some time to accept the possibility that I may not mean as much as I hoped for in your heart after all…
I asked myself – what right do I have, to have hoped or expected you to remember my birthday, let alone do something about it…?
I scolded myself again, for having expectations towards you again. I have already decided to love you unconditionally.
So what if you doesn’t remember my birthday?
Does it make me love you any lesser? No, I will still love you as much as I can.
Yes, I am so disappointed. Yes I am very sad that I may mean nothing in your heart. But didn’t I already make a promise to myself, that I have to accept and bear any sufferings or pain in order to love you…?
If these hurt and pain is what it takes to love you, I will gladly take it all again and again, just to love you…
So Em Yeu, if one day when you finally read these messages for you, don’t need to feel bad or guilty okie?
It is okie to forget my birthday… Em Yeu
Saw a name sticker booth today at jams basement 1. Does Jayden and LinLin like to use these type of stickers with their names? Maybe can stick on their textbooks or something
I think children like it when they have something special that their classmates doesn’t have. Or is it just me? Lolz

Lolz, other than that, also saw some cute socks.

I know your favorite socks are your brown bear ones. I always laugh whenever I see you wearing those cause they are so cute on your small feet 😂

Personally, I would love to see you wear this piggy ones… but I don’t think I even have the chance to buy socks for you anymore…
Damn… I’m missing you again Em Yeu…