Is Your Divorce Really Fake…?
Ran into Thao at IMM this morning. Finally gotten a chance to ask her whether she has asked you regarding how to leave a message to you safely, or you really doesn’t want to talk to me anymore…
But what she told me wasn’t something I was expecting. She said she hasn’t been able to contact you for the past 2 weeks. She tried calling you but you never pick up nor return her call.
What happened Em Yeu? What have you been so busy with that you doesn’t even reply to your own friends…?
Or you purposely want to cut off all contacts from Jurong east…? If so, why do you still continue contact with that asshole? Is it just because he still owe you money?
I can’t help but be worried about you…
While waiting for orders, I explained to her a little on what happened between us, and why I have been waiting for you. But don’t worrie, I only briefly told her some things like Ah Ji has lied to us for money and how he has created deep misunderstandings between us.
But the key question we talked about, is why you suddenly moved back to CCK. When she shared why she think you move back to CCK, my heart totally sank…
Regarding why you have moved back to CCK, the biggest possibility that she and Tham can think of, is your divorce was fake and planned in order for you and Kenny to buy a new house.
The reason why they thought so, is because based on what they heard you talked about Kenny in the past, was that he wants to hold onto you so much that he will never agree to a divorce. But yet you suddenly able to divorce so easily, then you moved back to CCK so suddenly despite how much you said you want to leave Kenny and the CCK house.
Frankly speaking, in that moment, I felt a sharp stab to my heart again… cause Ah Ji has told me the same thing also after you move back to CCK… his words to me, that you and Kenny have planned your divorce and everything you said about your marriage was either half-truth or a lie to act pitiful so that I’ll help you. His claims that you all along have just been making use of me, all came back into my mind again…
And now, there is a second person who is a long time friend of yours saying the same thing…
Em Yeu, is it really true that your divorce is a fake just for the purpose to buy a second house…? Did you lie to me about your marriage and make use of me from the start…?
No. I don’t believe it.
I believe in your words…
I believe in your tears…
I believe in your heart…
I believe in you, Em Yeu…
And even if you really did hide something, or lied to me about something, you must have a good reason. I’ll accept it all, your good, your bad, everything about you.
And this shall be my love for you, Em Yeu
Before we go send our orders, I’ve told Thao that you are a good person, a good friend and the sweetest girl I known, so don’t misunderstood you for something like that. And she agrees, and will continue to try to contact you to check on your well-being as she is also worried about you.

And the last thing I told her, is that I may need to pass her something for you by this month, before my time is up in full time Grab…
Remember I was supposed to help my ex boss with a project? It is going to start on 2nd may…
I hope I have a chance to really talk to my dear Em Yeu before then…
Was collecting orders from here today when I think about you again:

Em Yeu, do you still remember this A-One Signature at Jem level 5 food court? It is where we ate porridge and hot plate noodle a few times…
And you always like to sit beside the window at the corner of the tables behind…
Just missing you again
For the past 2 days, that bastard has transferred a total of almost 2K out to pay for his own legal loan interests and personal debts.

I’ve also checked his grab statement for the past week. He has only earned less than 200 for the whole of last week.
So where he get his money from this week?
If he earn that little and yet able to pay out 2k over the past 2 days, I suspect that he may have gotten his hands on his father’s money already.
I’ve already messaged Ah Guan yesterday to see whether he has any updates on whether that bastard has received his father’s money. Ah Guan said he is meeting William tonight and will update me again once he has any news
Tomorrow I’ll need to check with Ah Guan again. Once I can confirm that asshole has received his father’s money, I’ll ask Allan to inform you so that you can chase him for the money he has borrowed and stolen from you
Sorrie Em Yeu, that is as much as I can help to get your money back when you are still pushing me out of your life… but I will do what I can
See you again tomorrow Em Yeu. Let me continue running my late night orders again as orders has been weak for the past 2 days
How much I wish I can video call and watch you sleep while I run my night orders…