Are You feeling the same way as I am..?
You didn’t come to work again. At least not in JE. I was looking forward to catch even just a glimpse of you, even if I know you are just going to ignore me…
Ever since the fallout between mingyi and ah ji, there has been rumors that ah ji is preparing to run away. So I messaged him today to test whether he is still around anot

I felt so disgusted by calling him ‘bro’ in my message. But I didn’t have a choice. I still need to act like I still know nothing of his lies in order not to scare him off, when he still holds the key for your salary and CPF
I couldn’t stop thinking about why are you so confident that your bank loan issue has been resolved when you didn’t receive your 2 months salary as planned. I couldn’t stop thinking what exactly did ah ji say to you to convince you to transfer him 1 more month of CPF days ago. I couldn’t stop thinking why you decided to move back the CCK when we have worked so hard for your freedom…
Allan noticed that I’ve been too deep in thoughts by myself, and offered his listening ear again. He too, is puzzled by where did your confidence come from, when you didn’t receive your salary. Because there is no reason for you to lie to us you didn’t received your salary. If you are in cahoots with ah ji, you would have said you have received instead to protect him. What exactly has ah ji said to you, to assure you that you have no worries, and even willing to transfer him 1 more month of CPF?
Or like what Allan guess, is it because you believed in me so much that you think you don’t need to worry anymore since ‘my words’ to ah ji is you don’t need your salary, just need your CPF? If you really believed in me so much, why wouldn’t you ask me to come back to your side and we face everything together again…?
The more I think about it, the more I blame myself for being so stupid for trusting this asshole, that lied to both of us about each other…
But Allan raised another question that I’m also worry about now: Why are you not coming back to JE to work?
Are you avoiding me? If so, why? Did ah ji tell you something that is keeping you away from working in JE?
Allan raised another possibility, based on the last time you told him you are not going to accept anything from me so that I can move on. Are you doing the same thing also by not coming back to JE to work?

Are you feeling the same way as I am? Are you trying to sacrifice yourself by suffering alone to let me move on without you so that I can fix my marriage with Elsa? Like how I am going to suffer alone by working so hard for the next few months to make money in order to pay off the debts I have gotten for the sake of your house and future, so that you can start your new life with Kenny again…?
Em Yeu, I will never know, unless you talk to me again…
As I continue running my late night orders again tonight, my tears flowed down again… I miss you so much…