The Jigsaw Puzzle & Missing Pieces
The biggest question on my mind today, is when did ah ji start to play both of us out for his own benefit? is it only after our last quarrel before Xmas? Is it after ah long’s incident? Or like what Allan said, he has never truly looked upon us as friends and looked like he is helping us to act like a good friend, a good brother and a good guy from the start because both me and you are richer than he was?
Still so many question marks. Still so many unanswered questions that can only have the chance of coming up with any answer, is if both you and me talks…
Maybe he once really looked upon us as friends before. Maybe he really tried to help when we came to him for your employment with mookata or looking for a rental house for you… but seems like the biggest change in him, was after he went up to genting the 1st time without us.
Mingyi told me today that ah ji has confessed to him and Yong jie before that he has already gambled and lost your dec and Jan salary and CPF during his 1st trip to genting. So it means whatever he is claiming to both of us now, that his 20 year friend Vincent is the one who lost your money during World Cup, is nothing but a big lie. And he tried to push the blame onto this friend, act like he didn’t know a thing and he is a good friend who cannot abandon his 20 year friend.
Farking lying coward.
I have always thought why he always end up as the middleman between us whenever we quarrel. I have always wondered why you always say I lied to you, or do wrong to you whenever we quarreled. Now looking back, I have realized whenever he is involved, he always act like he is on my side and badmouth you for being the unreasonable one. Could it be that he is actually doing the same thing on your side? Acting like he is on your side and badmouth me for doing wrong to you? If he really did, No wonder both you and me end up trusted him so much, cause we always thought he is on each of our respective side…
One things for sure, he has always tried to act like he is the center of everything, and badmouth everyone for every little thing to make himself look like a leader, a big brother and a good person. Mingyi has told me also, that a lot of things between me and you, are actually stirred up by him, and he always criticize both u and me in front of the rest of the people whenever both of us are not around.
On my end, I truly started to doubt him, was during the ah long incident where my heart broke seeing you suffering such humiliation from ah long. I was so angry that night at 229, when he told such lies in front of you and ah long which I have no choice but to keep quiet to become the bad guy and take the beatings in front of you… till this day, I aways wonder how did you feel when you saw me getting beaten up that day. Did you feel good seeing a man whom you believed to be an asshole being slapped, kicked and beaten? Or did you feel heartache like I did? If you did feel heartache watching me getting beaten up, I’m so sorrie for allowing such a thing to happen to you gal… but I hope you can truly understand that I kept quiet not because I admit to whatever lies ah ji said that night. I kept quiet because I chose to be the bad guy that night to protect you…