10/03 Missing You again
Today went out for orders again. And I realized how much I missed you, Em Yeu…
You are still the rain in my life. There is not once when I didn’t think of you whenever it rains.
And especially when I’m at places where we took shelter and waited for the rain to stop together, having only each other to keep ourselves warm

Em Yeu, do you still remember this place? It’s at Block 235 where I rode over to look for you when I am still riding my MTB… I can still remember I was totally wet from the heavy rain that day
And the only thing that kept me going no matter how wet or cold it is, was to come over to you as soon as I can
To see you. To keep you company. To stay by your side when you felt cold and alone…
I slowly realized the real reason why I kept coming back to work as food delivery rider, is to relive and reminisce the days we spent together, the laughter, the sweat, the tears…
And your beautiful eyes whenever you smile
I miss you, Em Yeu…