24/05 Finally news of Em Yeu again

Em Yeu, I am so happy today…

Because I saw that that bastard has returned you another $75 today

Although I am worried about you that you are still in contact with this asshole, but just hearing any small thing about you makes me so happy at the same time… even if news about you comes from that asshole

It has been more than a year since we were separated, but my feelings towards you has never changed

And I’ll still keep the promises I made to you and myself no matter what

To not forget you or abandon you no matter what happened between us

To save up and buy a land in vietnam

To open a shop in Singapore selling Vietnamese products under your name

To be stronger for the day you or the children need me again

To continue to wait for you and see you and the children safe and sound…

Nothing is going to change my Love for you, Em Yeu…