24/05 Finally news of Em Yeu again

Em Yeu, I am so happy today… Because I saw that that bastard has returned you another $75 today Although I am worried about you that you are still in contact with this asshole, but just hearing any small thing about you makes me so happy at the same time… even if news about you comes from that asshole It […]

22/05 A Day I Miss Em Yeu again

It’s a gloomy day today… As I still have not heard anything from Grab regarding my account suspension, my original plans to run orders today is down the drain The only consolation I have gotten, is it was raining almost the whole day today As I stare at the pouring rain from my windows, I can’t help but to think […]

21/05 Grab Account Suspended

Today I’m working from home to rush some drawings submission for my bus depot project. But at around 12.30pm, Rafael called me to meet me under my block suddenly. That’s when he gave me a bad news – my grab account was suspended According to him, he has not done anything out of norm and it just happened after he […]

15/05 XLine Studios Incorporated

After making a reservation for my new company name yesterday, I waited impatiently for the approval reply from Bizfile And soon enough, I saw the approval email and exciting log in bizfile again to register my company. It is not that easy, as I have to figure out what to fill and reading up lotsa articles and guide to understand […]