17/01 Another Potential New Project?

Was real angry this morning cause of a grab booking.

As I worked till very late last night, I woke up late today for my meeting and tried to call a grab down to site.

But the driver who received my booking didn’t move at all from his spot although he is less than 10mins away from my place and I already waited more than 30mins for him

My guess is because I called grab just before the rain started, so he wants to wait it out for me to cancel so that he can take another booking with higher rate without affecting his cancellation rate.

Such an unethical driver

So in the end, I decided to teach him a lesson and kept my booking on all the way while I call for another driver with Tada instead lolz

In the end, I’ve reached my site while playing out a waiting game with him on grab app. As long as I don’t cancel, he won’t be able to recieve another booking

It was more than 1 hour later and the rain has already stopped, and he finally cancelled the booking himself.

Serve him right. I won’t pity or give chance to selfish and unprofessional people like him.

Em Yeu, I can be real evil right?


Met up with my partner contractor to resolve issues and push for more progress for the military Camp site today this morning.

The meeting went well, as we managed to agree on a lot of things to push forward on site.

But the greater achievement of the day, is that he suddenly asked me whether I would want to help him in another project.

My excitement grew as he sent me some materials to browse through 1st:

Seems like a good class bungalow project. Looks interesting right?

I can’t wait for tomorrow when we meet up again to discuss about this.

Wish me luck Em Yeu!