Spent a lot of time last night activating the ATM card, enrolling for overseas usage etc after my night orders.
Em Yeu, this atm card can now be used for both Singapore and overseas usage, regardless is drawing cash through atm machines or purchase items in shop using debit or visa.
Have also increased the cash, nets and visa daily limit. Now cash withdraw limit per day is $11k, NETS and visa limit is at $25k. This is for in case you have an emergency and need big amount of cash fast.
As much as I want to stay by your side even as just a friend, as long as you continue to cut me out of your life, this is the only thing left that I can do for you and the children now…
Have also tested the card and pin on a HSBC atm machine at west gate. It is working fine. This ATM card is finally ready 👍🏻
What’s left, is only to lease the safe deposit box now, but as it is already Saturday, and Monday is Labor Day public holiday, guess I can only head down to the safe deposit box next Tuesday…